Free Full-Body Workout: No Equipment Needed

Let’s put a twist on all of those “quarantine workouts” you’ve been doing: Try this full-body, structural balance circuit workout.
After six months of coronavirus-induced quarantine (will it ever end?!), lots of people are still without a gym or workout equipment.
We realize endless amounts of air squats, burpees, and push-ups may have you feeling bored with your quarantine workouts. On top of that, you may have stopped seeing the results you’re after (because you likely haven’t been progressively overloading your muscles, but that’s another story for another day).
Let’s put a twist on your at-home workouts to keep them fun, interesting, and results-driven. We’ll do that with today’s workout by adding some variety to the basics, implementing some killer tempo, and doing some feel-good mobility work. It’s totally possible to have fun and get results even with no equipment.
Feel it for yourself with today’s free Smarter Sweat workout!
Free Body Weight Workout
2 Rounds
- 60 sec Jumping Jacks
- 10/side 90/90 Hip Switch
- 5 Inchworm to Plank
- 5/side Deep Squat w/ Thoracic Rotation (against wall)
3 Rounds
- 6–8/side Cossack Squat
- Rest 30 seconds
- 35–45 seconds Plank Shoulder Taps + Crossbody Toe Taps
- Rest 30 seconds
- 12 Sit Up to Hip Up
- Rest 60 sec
3 Rounds
- 6/side T Push-Up (2 count lower in push-up)
- Rest 30 seconds
- 15 Superman
- Rest 30 seconds
- 15 No Push-Up Burpee
- Rest 90 seconds
Static Back 3–5 minutes
Step-by-Step Instructions
First things first: If you’re unsure about any of the movements, you can find them in this exercise library playlist. If for any reason you can’t find them, a quick YouTube search for the exercise name will do the trick.
Start off by flowing through 2 rounds of the warm-up at your own pace, resting as needed. The warm-up should have you feeling primed and ready to start the strength portion, but feel free to add in some extra dynamic stretching if needed.
Please note that the rest times in the strength portions are programmed for a reason. Follow the rest times and tempos as prescribed for best results.
Cossack Squat
You’ll improve strength and mobility with this one.
- Start with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and lunge towards one side keeping your heel and foot of the loaded leg on the floor. The non-loaded leg will be straight out to the side with pressure still applied through the heel.
- Keep your core and glutes engaged with your chest up.
- The prescribed tempo is a 3 count lowering into the squat, 1 count pause in the bottom position, 3 count pressing back up, and a 1 count pause at the top before beginning another rep.
- Perform 6–8 reps on one leg before switching.
To increase difficulty you can add a weight in the goblet position. To scale this move, perform each rep to a chair or bench.
Plank Shoulder Taps + Crossbody Toe Taps
Be sure to minimize shifting from side to side on this core and shoulder exercise.
- Begin in a plank position
- Tap each shoulder once and then shift back to tap the toe of your opposite foot.
- Come back into a full straight arm plank position before shifting back to tap the other toe.
- Repeat this sequence at a controlled tempo for 35–45 seconds.
Sit-Up to Hip-Up
Get explosive with this core and glute exercise.
- Lie flat on your back with arms over head, perform a full sit up placing your hands behind you at the completion of the sit up.
- With your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, press your hips up with your arms locked out.
- The end position will look like a “crab exercise” — try to make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Repeat this for the designated reps.
You will perform all 3 rounds of the first triset before moving onto the next strength circuit.
T Push-Up
The T Push-Up is a full body exercise.
- Start in a plank position (you can start from your knees if needed for the push-up portion).
- Lower down for a 2-count in your push-up and explode back up into a plank position.
- From here, roll over into a straight arm side plank with the opposite arm straight and pulling back, working the upper back muscles.
- Come back to the straight arm plank position, repeat the push-up portion and then perform the “T” on the opposite side.
- Repeat this exercise until you have done 6 reps on each side.
Holy posterior chain!
- Begin by laying flat on your stomach with arms straight out above your head.
- In a controlled motion, lift up your arms, chest, and legs leaving only your stomach and hips on the floor.
- Gently lower and repeat for 15 reps total.
No Push-Up Burpee
Nothing like a burpee to get you breathing, am I right?
- Begin in a standing position and gently jump your feet back while simultaneously placing your hands on the floor, landing in a straight-arm plank.
- From here, you will jump your feet back up to your hands, stand all the way up, and explode up as high as you can with arms reaching above.
- Repeat for 15 reps.
Smarter Sweat Takeaways
We recommend finishing out your workout with a short cool down walk and some deep stretching or yoga similar to this short video. If you enjoyed this free bodyweight workout, head to our website to get one full free week of training, no strings attached!
We’d love to know how this workout goes for you! Tag us on instagram @smartersweat or shoot us an email.
By Ashley Pfantz
Ashley is the cofounder of Smarter Sweat, certified personal trainer and professional health and fitness coach. She also owns Pfancy Fitness, an individualized fitness, nourishment, and lifestyle coaching business where she coaches all of her clients remotely.